Telecommunications bill: Pushing ahead with the piecemeal destruction of New Zealand’s copper landline system.


The Telecommunications (New Regulatory Framework) Amendment Bill (which has now passed its second reading) is designed to allow the piecemeal destruction of New Zealand’s copper landline system.


The copper landline system allows people to have a safe corded phone which will usually work when a home or business loses power, proving a vital lifeline in the event of an emergency.


If the bill becomes law, New Zealanders who lose access to the copper system who want to have the security of having a working phone during a power outage will have fork out for an expensive battery back-up system for a fibre based phone.*


While the bill started its life under the previous National-led government, it is now the responsibility of Labour MP Kris Faafoi.


The Select Committee that considered the bill essentially ignored the submissions from members of the public which were overwhelmingly in favour of retaining the copper landline system to facilitate consumer choice and for public safety reasons.**


Save Our Landlines NZ urges MPs to reject the Telecommunications (New Regulatory Framework) Amendment Bill unless it is redrafted to protect New Zealanders’ access to the safe, reliable copper phone line network rather than allow for the important asset, built up over many decades to be destroyed.





*The system recommended by Spark costs several hundred dollars.

** A press release on this issue may be read at this link:

** Quotes from a selection of the submissions may be read at this link:


Note to media: 

Should you wish to talk to someone from the Save Our Landlines please email us thorugh the Contact Form and we will be in touch.



About Save Our Landlines NZ:

This website is being developed by New Zealanders who want to see the copper landline network in NZ to be retained and protected. If you value having a corded landline phone that will work even if you home (and the area in which you live) loses electricity, you are very welcome to join us.

To get updates on this issue, please follow our Facebook page at the link below:

If you would like to help in any way with the campaign to save NZ’s copper landline network, please email us through the contact form below.