Ed note: At the link below you may download a document contains a selection of quotes from individuals and organisations that made submissions on the Telecommunications (New Regulatory Framework) Bill in favour of maintaining New Zealand’s copper landline phone system.

 Please note that there are many more submissions from the public available on the Parliamentary website. 

Due to the fact that many of the submissions from members of the public were not posted on the Parliamentary  website until after the bill was reported to the House on May 4, some of the most compelling submissions are NOT included in this document; however the document does give a good idea of the diverse reasons in favour of saving NZ\s copper landline phone network.

Landline submissions quotable quotes final edit for website

Website editor’s note:  Most of the submissions from which the quotes were excerpted above were made by New Zealanders – hence the featured illustration of this beautiful kiwi photographed in his nest, which is used with thanks to Wikimedia Commons

Please join us

Your voice in defence of New Zealand’s copper landline network and your taking the time to help educate others about the importance of this important national infrastructure would be most appreciated.

If you would like to write to your MP and ask him or her not to vote for the bill that will destroy much as NZ’s copper landline system, there a template letter that you can adapt and information to help you do this here: https://saveourlandlines.nz/news/a-vote-for-the-telecommunications-new-regulatory-framework-amendment-bill-is-a-vote-for-the-destruction-of-much-of-nzs-copper-landline-phone-system/

If you would like to volunteer to help with this campaign, please contact us via the Contact Form.  Thank you.

We also have a Facebook page that you can like and/or follow at this link: https://www.facebook.com/Save-Our-Landlines-NZ-1626155717464225/

All of the submissions on the bill may be read at the following link: https://www.parliament.nz/en/pb/bills-and-laws/bills-proposed-laws/document/BILL_74818/tab/submissionsandadvice