2019 Update
A quick update for 2019
Save Our Landlines NZ would like to thank all of its supporters who undertook a large range of initiatives in 2018 (including writing submissions, emailing MPs and Ministers and engaging with media) in the hope of preventing the destruction of much of New Zealand’s copper landline phone system.
Unfortunately, despite the majority of submissions on the bill being in favour of retaining the copper landline phone system throughout NZ, the Telecommunications (New Regulatory Framework) Amendment Bill was passed into law by the government in November 2018.
The news is not completely bad; the Minister of Broadcasting, Communications and Digital Media has provided a written assurance that in areas where there is no fibre, Chorus will not be able to withdraw access to the copper system.
Also, there are ways in which New Zealanders who live in fibre areas should still be able to have a safe hardwired internet and phone connection – although unfortunately maintaining a corded phone that will function during a power outage will cost more.
Information about how to have a safe hardwired phone and internet via the fibre system may be found at the links below:
Considering ultrafast broadband?
However, Spark has indicated that it does not want to give all of its customers access to the fibre system and instead wants to force them onto fixed wireless connections. (Wireless internet systems potentially have health risks for people who use them as well posing risks to the health of people who live near the wireless infrastructure that provides the wireless connection.)
For this reason, please stay connected with Save Our Landlines NZ so that we can help New Zealanders maintain access to safe, hardwired telecommunications services.
To stay up-to-date on developments on the landline phone campaign, you have the option of signing up to the email list for Stop Smart Meters NZ at www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz and/or following the Save Our Landlines FB page https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Community/Save-Our-Landlines-NZ-1626155717464225/