Submissions on 5G now available online

Submissions on 5G now available online

Website editor’s note: At virtually the same time that the wheels of NZ government are in motion to destroy most New Zealanders’ access to the copper landline phone system that allows people to have a safe corded phone and a safe hardwired internet connection, the government is preparing to introduce a new, high risk wireless system known as 5G.  

The text below has been excerpted from the website of Stop Smart Meters NZ:

Radio Spectrum Management NZ (a unit of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment or MBIE) recently posted a discussion document about the planned introduction of 5G on its website and invited submissions.

Radio Spectrum Management NZ has now posted the submissions that it received on its website.

Here is the main link to access submissions:

Overall, submissions covered three main areas:  health concerns, the use of radio microphones in the 600MHz band and submissions from companies in the telecommunications industry.

Most of the submissions on health issues have been compiled into one document that you can see at the link below.  (In cases where people sent in supplementary submissions these have been listed separately.)

Radio Spectrum Management NZ states on its website that it “will be providing advice to the Minister of Broadcasting, Communications and Digital Media over the coming weeks and months.”


Please join us

Your voice in defence of New Zealand’s copper landline network and your taking the time to help educate others about the importance of this important national infrastructure would be most appreciated.

If you would like to write to your MP and ask him or her not to vote for the bill that will destroy much as NZ’s copper landline system, there a template letter that you can adapt and information to help you do this here:

If you would like to volunteer to help with this campaign, please contact us via the Contact Form.  Thank you.

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