Kiwis Alarmed at Govt. Proposal to Destroy Landline Infrastructure

Press release

May 1, 2018, Save Our Landlines NZ.


Kiwis Alarmed at Govt. Proposal to Destroy Landline Infrastructure



Many New Zealanders are irate at the government’s plans to scuttle much of the country’s landline copper wired infrastructure, citing serious irreversible safety concerns.


Kiwis made submissions on the Telecommunications (New Regulatory Framework) Amendment Bill to let the government know that the destruction of New Zealand’s copper landline infrastructure proposed in the bill is unacceptable.


The Telecommunications (New Regulatory Framework) Amendment Bill began its life under the past National-led government and passed its first reading in Parliament in August 2017.


A preliminary analysis of submissions on the bill by volunteers working on the Save Our Landlines NZ campaign shows that the vast majority of individuals who made submissions on the bill are virtually unanimous in their desire to preserve New Zealand’s copper landline telephone network.


A common theme among submissions from individuals was how a corded phone connected to the copper landline network would still work even if a home lost power and could therefore provide vital access to emergency services.
