The cellphone cancer link is REAL and is a key reason why landlines are so important

The cellphone cancer link is REAL and is a key reason why landlines are so important


If you are reading this article, it is a fair bet that you are a non-smoker.

Why? Because most New Zealand adults are now non-smokers thanks to concerted public educations programmes about the risks of smoking, including the much greater risk of lung cancer in people who smoke cigarettes.

(As anyone knows who has had a friend or family member develop lung cancer, it’s a cruel disease which is often fatal.)

There’s also mounting evidence in humans and animals that cellular (and cordless) phone use can increase the risk of an often-fatal brain tumour (glioma).

In fact, one prominent scientist now states that new animal exposure data means that the type of radiation produced by cellular phones should now be classified as a proven (Class 1) carcinogen.

However, most people don’t know this.

The mobile phone industry has about as much interest in telling people about the risks of brain (and other cancers) associated with cellular phone use as the tobacco companies had in being frank about the health risks of smoking.
