The Telecommunications (New Regulatory Framework) Amendment Bill has passed its second reading in New Zealand’s parliament.and is now at the “Committee of the Whole House”  stage of the legislative process.

Save Our Landlines NZ has put out an open letter to MPs asking them to vote against this bill as, in its present form, it allows for the piecemeal destruction of New Zealand’s copper landline infrastructure.   You may read the letter at the link below:

A vote for the Telecommunications (New Regulatory Framework) Amendment Bill is a vote for the destruction of much of NZ’s copper landline phone system


About Save Our Landlines NZ:

This website is being developed by New Zealanders who want to see the copper landline network in NZ to be retained and protected. If you value having a corded landline phone that will work even if you home (and the area in which you live) loses electricity, you are very welcome to join us.

To get updates on this issue, please follow our Facebook page at the link below:

If you would like to help in any way with the campaign to save NZ’s copper landline network, please email us through the contact form below.